full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Aparna Nancherla: The joy of taking out the trash

Unscramble the Blue Letters

China used to import a lot of the US's recyclables, but they stopped accepting foreign garbage in 2018 as part of a pollution ban. Whatever happened to one country's trash is another country's treasure? Now, a lot of US recycling goes straight to ldlaiflns. The EPA says that only 10 pencert of plastic has ever been recycled. Not that this is about me, but this balloons my anxiety the size of the giant pfciaic grabgae ptach way out in the ocean where we'll all eventually go for our next destination wedding.

Open Cloze

China used to import a lot of the US's recyclables, but they stopped accepting foreign garbage in 2018 as part of a pollution ban. Whatever happened to one country's trash is another country's treasure? Now, a lot of US recycling goes straight to _________. The EPA says that only 10 _______ of plastic has ever been recycled. Not that this is about me, but this balloons my anxiety the size of the giant _______ _______ _____ way out in the ocean where we'll all eventually go for our next destination wedding.


  1. landfills
  2. pacific
  3. percent
  4. garbage
  5. patch

Original Text

China used to import a lot of the US's recyclables, but they stopped accepting foreign garbage in 2018 as part of a pollution ban. Whatever happened to one country's trash is another country's treasure? Now, a lot of US recycling goes straight to landfills. The EPA says that only 10 percent of plastic has ever been recycled. Not that this is about me, but this balloons my anxiety the size of the giant Pacific garbage patch way out in the ocean where we'll all eventually go for our next destination wedding.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
seventh grade 2

Important Words

  1. accepting
  2. anxiety
  3. balloons
  4. ban
  5. china
  6. destination
  7. epa
  8. eventually
  9. foreign
  10. garbage
  11. giant
  12. happened
  13. import
  14. landfills
  15. lot
  16. ocean
  17. pacific
  18. part
  19. patch
  20. percent
  21. plastic
  22. pollution
  23. recyclables
  24. recycled
  25. recycling
  26. size
  27. stopped
  28. straight
  29. trash
  30. treasure
  31. wedding